Marketing or Marketing your Home
When you work with the McKechnie Brothers team your home will be marketed with a variety of expert services. Together with the support of our marketing affiliates we will increase your homes exposure, improve the presentation of your listing and maximize your opportunity for profitability. How The McKechnie Brother’s offer Added Value for your listing:
HDR Photography, Virtual Tours and Drone Photography
McKechnie Brothers photographs bring buyers. Our in house photographer uses state of the art equipment and editing software to enhance our ability to sell your home.
Branded and Professionally Designed Print Marketing
Professional and Quality branded design and printed materials will leave a lasting impression on potential buyers. Professionally designed postcards featuring your listing are mailed to your neighbours. Neighbourhood networks can lead to fast and easy sales.
Your Listing on Websites
Social Media Marketing
Your home is featured on our facebook and instagram page. Here your listing is shared with our network of followers and realtors alike.
Properly Advertised Open Houses
The McKechnie Brothers create a welcoming open house experience. Potential buyers are made to feel welcome and at ease in your home. Beverages and treats will keep guests comfortable as they take their time exploring your home.
Our Communication Lines Are Open 24/7
Buying and selling a home can feel overwhelming and what’s helpful is a sound advisor. The McKechnie Brothers are committed to supporting you from start to finish. The brothers are directly available to you all hours of the day, by phone, text, email or person. They answer questions, provide clarification, education, give advice, affirmation.